The RHS Scrubber is a gas absorber providing effective removal of water-soluble gaseous contaminants from an airstream. Highly corrosive and toxic gases like HF, HCL, etc., at moderate levels are effectively removed by this self-contained scrubber.
But also contaminations like NaOH, H2SO4, NH3, C02, H2S, SO2 etc. For odour control applications, a two stage system can be offered featuring chemical absorption.
Semi Conductor Industry, Galvanising, Anodising, Chrome Plating, Pickling, Chemical Processing & Odour Control
Operating Principle
The scrubbing principle is simple and efficient. Gaseous contaminants are absorbed and neutralised continuously in a re-circulating liquid. An important feature of RHS scrubbers is the contact zone which ensures a thorough mixing of gas and liquid. Special designed welded polypropylene cross type media with minimum pressuredrop is used.
Mechanical Design
Each RHS scrubber consists of a corrosion resistant housing. The unit is fully self-contained, only requiring connection to power and liquid supplies. For most factory assembled sizes, the system control box includes all controls for both standard, design and selected options which is fully pre-wired with user-wiring from control box to system only be necessary.
Very compact horizontal design unit particularly suitable for locations with low headroom. Fully self-contained.
Extremely high efficiency cleaning of water soluble gases, typically > 98%
Full corrosion resistant construction using, e.g. polypropylene, glassfibre reinforced polyester, High Density Polyethylene, AISI, etc., housing.
Many options are available: pH-, Redox-, Conductivity control Level controls, Dosing system, Storage tanks, Fan, Outdoor ounting, Heater, Scada,
Home monitoring-alarm control and system operation.
Very low water consumption. Typically 10 litres per 1000m³ of cleaned gas.